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Online Course: An Introduction to the Terns of Alabama

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Online Course: An Introduction to the Terns of Alabama



LOCATION DESCRIPTION / Online: Join Alabama Audubon this fall as tern migration hits full swing with an introductory online course highlighting the expected tern species that can be found in Alabama. Our friend and special guest instructor Collin Stempien (Mississippi Audubon's Senior Coordinator of Field Operations) will teach us about Alabama's tern species, including insights into their behaviors, habitats, and conservation needs in the Gulf Coast states. The course covers tern identification and life history of the Gulf Coast’s expected terns as well as tricky IDs such as juvenile tern field marks and distinguishing between tricky lookalikes such as Common vs. Forster’s Terns. Collin will also delve into his role as a biologist on Mississippi’s coast working to protect and conserve nesting terns and shorebirds.

Collin is a bird biologist by profession, beginning much of his coastal bird focus in 2017 while volunteering with Alabama Audubon. Although he has studied many different groups of birds, most of his work focuses on coastal birds, such as shorebirds and waterbirds of the eastern United States. This career has provided him with the opportunity to get hands-on experience with a variety of bird species, allowing for not only studies of movement, migration, and breeding ecology, among many others, but also thorough familiarity with bird identification.

LOCATION DETAILS / Online: Participants signed up for this event will receive an email with a Zoom Link before the event.

Accessibility This event will be online and will not require traveling.

CANCELLATION-Refunds will only be given by Alabama Audubon in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Please continue joining Alabama Audubon as a member or donor to help us continue to offer accessible, educational programs and events across the state. Your generosity enables us to advance research, education, and advocacy efforts to protect birds in Alabama and beyond. As always, proceeds from these courses contribute to our educational and conservational missions across Alabama.