Kacy Ray, Lianne M. Koczur, and Claudia Frosch. 2024. Nest Survival and Productivity of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus) at Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama. Waterbirds, 46(2-4):175-184.
Olivia A. Morpeth, Ruby O. Rolland, and Lianne M. Koczur. 2023. Reproductive Success, Site Fidelity and Movements of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in Alabama. Alabama Birdlife 69(2): 45–55.
Olivia A. Morpeth, Sabrina D. Cobb, Lianne M. Koczur, and Fallan Batchelor. 2023. Coastal Bird Reproductive Metrics and Distribution in Alabama: A Review of Historical Data and Status Update. Waterbirds, 45(4): 392-406.
Ruby O. Rolland, Olivia A. Morpeth, Kathryn A. Gray, Cortney E. Weatherby, and Lianne M. Koczur. 2023. Colonial Nesting at a Newly Created Restoration Area on the Alabama Coast. Alabama Birdlife 69(1): 1–11.
Scott Rush and Lianne Koczur. 2023. The Chimney Swift in the Southeastern United States: Historic Banding and Future Research. North American Bird Bander, 48.
Andrew Coleman. 2023. Predation of Turtles by Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in the Southeastern United States. Food Webs, e00293.
Camryn Jefferson, Marissa Brown, Lianne Koczur, Cortney Weatherby, and Fallan Batchelor. 2022. Disturbance to Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) Colonies along the Alabama Coast. Alabama Birdlife 68(1): 1–13.
Lianne M. Koczur. 2020. Alabama SwiftWatch: a Community Science Effort to Monitor Chimney Swifts (Chaetura pelagica). Alabama Birdlife 66(1): 1–7.
Sabrina D. Cobb and Olivia A. Morpeth. 2020. First Record of the South Polar Skua (Stercorarius maccormicki) for Alabama. Alabama Birdlife 66(2): 46–47.
Analysis of Audubon Coastal Bird Survey Data in Alabama 2017–2020
David M. Frings, Lawrence J. Davenport, Christopher Oberholster, and Terry M. Hardig. 2019. Current Status of Tennessee Gladecress, Leavenworthia exigua var. lutea (Brassicaceae), in Alabama. Southeastern Naturalist 18(3): 419–429.
Lianne M. Koczur and Andrew Coleman. 2019. Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) Productivity at the Greystone Golf Course: 15 Years of Community Science Monitoring. Alabama Birdlife 65(2): 33–37.