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Call for Artists, Bird of the Year 2025

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Call for Artists, Bird of the Year 2025

Hey there bird and nature Artist!

Submit your fine art for a chance to be commissioned for our Bird of the Year 2025!

Call for Artists: Bird of the Year Commission 2025

Are you a talented local artist with a passion for nature and birds?

We are searching for an artist to commission our Bird of the Year 2025 for an exciting and unique project. If selected, you’ll have the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind artwork that will be featured as our showcase piece for the year 2025. Your work will be our highlight piece for Alabama Audubon’s Gala Bird of the Year.

Submission Details:

  • Please submit a link to your website and/or upload 2-3 pictures of your finest artwork

  • Deadline: October 26th

This is an amazing opportunity for both established and emerging artists to gain recognition and support within the local community.

We look forward to seeing your work!