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Alabama Cedar Waxwing Art Print

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Alabama Cedar Waxwing Art Print

Alabama Cedar Waxwing 2024 2.jpg
Alabama Cedar Waxwing 2024 2.jpg

Alabama Cedar Waxwing Art Print


Alabama Audubon’s 2024 Bird of the Year
Artist Bryant Whelan /

Commissioned art print celebrating the Cedar Waxwing
9 x 12 inches / Mounted to ≈ 18 x 24 inches / Original Print / Limited Edition

Purchase Print

ABOUT THE ARTIST Bryant Whelan is a mixed-media artist living in Fairhope, Alabama whose thematic work focuses on the interconnection of elements of nature reflected through lifecycle phenomena of flora and fauna, plant and sea life. Her artistic process combines drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and collage. Botanic ecoprinting is also a process used in Whelan’s work using a heat transfer method to create ghost-like imagery of leaves and flora gathered on nature walks.

Whelan received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Auburn University and is a member of Mississippi Art Colony. She has received numerous awards for her work and teaches workshops along the Gulf Coast. Her fine art can be found in galleries and private collections throughout the United States.