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Swift Night Out: Greensboro

Event Calendar

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Swift Night Out: Greensboro

  • 1801 South Street Greensboro, AL, 36744 United States (map)

Free to attend, registration appreciated.

Join us for a fun evening celebrating one of our favorite urban birds, the Chimney Swift! We will meet at 6:30 PM. Our Black Belt Coordinator will give a short talk about Chimney Swifts then we will watch as thousands of swifts come into the chimney to roost for the night.

LOCATION DETAILS / TRAVEL INFORMATION We will meet at the Greensboro Elementary School, 1801 South St, Greensboro, AL 36744

TRIP LEADERS Tim Higgins /

ACCESSIBILITY This event will be accessible for all.

REMEMBER We will be staying in one spot - bring a chair or blanket if you don’t want to or are unable to stand for an extended period.

REQUIRED Participants must complete the mandatory online waiver when registering. Please do not request registration for others when submitting your request.

CANCELLATION The event will only be canceled in the event of bad weather. You will get an email if it is canceled.