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Informational Webinar on November 2024 Belize Trip

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Informational Webinar on November 2024 Belize Trip

Join us for an informational Zoom webinar about our upcoming birding trip to Belize – a country with nearly 600 bird species. The tour will be November 3 – 10, 2024. Registration closes July 1st, 2024. There are several spaces still available. More information is here:

On the webinar will include Steve Cox, with Conservancy Travel, the tour company organizing the trip, and Roni Martinez, our expert Belizean bird guide. Also joining us will be Scot Duncan, executive director of Alabama Audubon and trip host. You’ll learn more about the itinerary, lodging, food, transportation, and the birds and ecosystems we’ll see. There will be time for Q&A, as well.

This is an online information session—a Zoom link will be emailed prior to the event. 

Later Event: June 15
Loggerhead Shrike Outing