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Dr. R. Scot Duncan was raised on the shores of Pensacola Bay, FL by the celebrated birders and conservationists, Lucy and Bob Duncan. Both Scot and his brother, Will, have dedicated their lives to science, conservation, and education.

Scot holds a BS in Biology from Eckerd College, and a MS and PhD in Zoology from the University of Florida. His research and explorations have taken him to Antarctica, New Zealand, East Africa, Central and South America, the Pacific Northwest, and ecosystems across the southeastern US. In graduate school, Scot studied tropical forest restoration in Uganda and Latin America, but for the past twenty years has focused his efforts on endangered species and ecosystems of the Southeast. He is the author or coauthor of 16 peer-reviewed science journal articles and 7 technical reports.

Scot is also the author of the award-winning Southern Wonder: Alabama’s Surprising Biodiversity. Before becoming Executive Director of Alabama Audubon, Scot was a Professor of Biology at Birmingham-Southern College for twenty years.