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Volunteers have been the leading force behind Alabama Audubon since its founding. If you want to help us achieve our mission to promote conservation and a greater knowledge of birds, their habitats, and the natural world, then we invite you to find out more about our current opportunities.


Work closely with the Outreach & Communications Director, Allison Abney, to build, support, and promote our programs. Our Outreach Volunteer Corps helps connect both new and seasoned audiences to the wonders of Alabama’s natural world. Outreach volunteers have opportunities to lead field trips and nature walks, and create interpersonal connections with our conservation-minded audience. If you are excited to educate people about birds and their habitats, then this is the position for you. It could also be a great learning experience if you are interested in nonprofit management, enjoy writing, and would like to know more about graphic design, advertising, or event planning. Hours may vary depending, and weekend or weekday opportunities are available.


  • Leading or assisting with field trips, bird walks, Nature at Noon, school-group walks

  • Support public outreach activities, such as guest speaker events, social events, and partner events


The Outreach Volunteer must—

  • Possess excellent interpersonal and instructional skills, have a people-focused personality, and feel computable speaking to groups of diverse individuals

  • Have great time-management skills

  • Be able to walk short to long distances, sometimes on uneven terrain, under a variety of outdoor conditions

  • Have a reliable means of transportation with up-to-date auto insurance and a valid Driver’s License

  • Provide their own binoculars if needed / A limited number of loaner pairs may be available

  • Be able to check out, transport, and return in good condition multiple pairs of ALABAMA AUDUBON binoculars

  • Bird-identification skills are a plus


The Outreach & Communications Director will determine a schedule depending on both the volunteer’s and the organization’s needs, the program requests received, and, often, the weather. Both weekend and weekday opportunities are available.