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Domestic Travel

November 15- November 16th 2024

Travel with Alabama Audubon!


Join Program Coordinator Andrew Lydeard for Alabama Audubon’s first-weekend field trip to one of Alabama’s premiere birding areas at Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge! Participants will spend the first day traveling as a group through the Kennedy Unit of the refuge in search of wintering waterfowl and sparrows before traveling to lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, we’ll drive parts of the Houston / Upland Unit until dusk. The following day, Lake Point State Park naturalist, Dominic King, will lead us on a pontoon boat tour through the beautiful scenery of the Chattahoochee River for the morning. In the event the boat trip is canceled due to rain or unforeseen circumstances, we will travel to the Bradley Unit on the Georgia side to search for sparrows and the Walter F. George Lock and Dam for diving water birds. Please remember to check the email you registered with prior to the trip for any updates from your leader. This is a self-catered, self-driven two-day tour.

Click here for full itinerary and event registration