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A Massachusetts native, Lianne’s interest in birds really began when she worked at Padre Island National Seashore and got to spend time watching all of the amazing coastal birds in the area. After earning a B.A. in biology from the University of Maine at Farmington, she spent several years working as a field biologist, monitoring piping plovers and least terns in South Dakota and black-capped vireos and nesting sea turtles in Texas, restoring seabird habitat on California’s Santa Barbara Island, and conducting shorebird surveys along the Gulf Coast.

In 2013, Lianne earned her master’s degree in range and wildlife management from Texas A&M–Kingsville for her studies of American oystercatcher reproductive success; she then continued at Kingsville, earning a Ph.D. in wildlife science in 2017 for her work on reddish egret movement. She joined our team in March 2019.