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Originally from Virginia, Keith’s twenty-five years of nonprofit experience has taken him from Upstate New York to Fort Worth, TX. He moved to Birmingham, AL, in 2015 to join Opera Birmingham as its General Director, leading the company as it expanded both the variety of works presented on the stage as well as opportunities to engage with the community in programs off the stage.

As a nonprofit leader, Keith serves on the Board of Directors of the Alabama Association of Nonprofits. He has served as a trainer and consultant assisting nonprofits in grant writing, budgeting and technology best practices. Keith has been a grant panelist for organizations ranging from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the Fort Worth Arts Council.

Keith served fourteen years as the managing director of Fort Worth Opera prior to moving to Alabama, and was the Interim Director of the Fort Worth Opera Studio. Keith has a deep interest in education, co-authoring “The Ten Commandments of Auditions” for Classical Singer magazine and serving as a guest panelist for masterclasses ranging from strategic planning to audition preparation. Keith has a bachelor’s degree in education from Old Dominion University, and a master’s degree from the Maryland Opera Studio at the University of Maryland.