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Field Trip: Hayden/ Warrior/ Drennan Woods (Free)

  • Cracker Barrel 901 Fieldstown Road Gardendale, AL, 35071 United States (map)

Cost: Free

Capacity: 30

LOCATION DESCRIPTION / In-person: We'll pay a visit to the hallowed ground where, for several years, one of your esteemed field trip leaders ran his route on our Fall and Spring Bird Counts and consistently hauled in long lists of interesting birds -- many not seen elsewhere on the Count. We'll start out at a beaver dam swamp, move through bottomland hardwood forest, then to upland second-growth piney woods, then later to farmland, and even some large-lot homesites. We have had everything from Woodcocks to Osprey here, and most of the species in between. The X-factor here is that the second-growth pine woods are always in transition, so what was good for Field sparrows, Yellow throats, Chats, and Prairie warblers five years ago is now home to an entirely different set of species today, and in another several years, will be inhabited by Pine warblers, Brown-headed nuthatches, and Red-bellied woodpeckers. So we'll see where we are in this process in 2024. Regardless, there are excellent opportunities for fall migrants, and we should hope to see a lot of birds.

Let me put it this way: on a good day, the possibilities here are endless. On a bad day, we're just up the road from Top Hat Barbeque. We can't lose.

TRAVEL INFORMATION, MEETING PLACE AND TIME: We will meet at 7:00 am in the REAR parking lot of the Cracker Barrel Restaurant on Fieldstown Rd in Gardendale. Where might that be, you ask? Well, take I-65 North to Exit 271. Turn west (left if you're coming from Birmingham, right if you're not), and in a long block, the Cracker Barrel is that big brown thing on your left. Look for people with binoculars.

LOCATION DETAILS / In-person: There are no fees associated with this trip. There are none warranted, as there are no drinking fountains or facilities at the birding site itself, although we WILL make a comfort stop before we hit the birding site. We'll be spending significant time on a sparsely-traveled Blount County dirt road. We'll make multiple pullouts where we'll park on the side of the road and take (very) short strolls for birds. The footing is generally level and the walks are mostly short and fairly easy. For those with limited ability to stroll on unimproved surfaces, a lot of the birding can be accomplished by the side of the car.

You should wear appropriate footwear and dress appropriately for the weather. Bring water and any other drinks you wish, and bring snacks and pack a lunch. If some wish to linger and socialize afterward, the aforementioned Top Hat BBQ (and catfish) is minutes away. We may enjoy a meal and a recap of the day there, if you so choose.

TRIP LEADER Your trip leader for this event will be Paul Franklin / (205) 542-7647

ACCESSIBILITY We'll have mostly level terrain, but much of it is along a red clay road. There are rocks and some washes involved. A wheelchair would face challenges, otherwise, it's a mild to barely moderate walking surface. And most of the walks will be for short distances.

REMEMBER This is a daylong affair, so plan accordingly and bring plenty of drinks and snacks in addition to a full tank of gas, insect repellent, rain gear, and appropriate summer attire, a hat and sunblock.

REQUIRED Participants must complete the mandatory online waiver when registering. Please do not request registration for others when submitting your request.

CANCELLATION The event will only be canceled in the event of hazardous conditions. If you need to cancel at the last minute, please email or text your trip leaders.

Picture Credit and Owner: Paul Franklin