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Guided Hike with Wild Alabama

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Guided Hike with Wild Alabama

  • 482 County Road 203 Piedmont, AL, 36272 United States (map)

Guided Hike with Wild Alabama


Join Alabama Audubon and Wild Alabama for a captivating hike along the scenic Chief Ladiga Trail in Talladega National Forest on April 27th to celebrate Trails Day. This experience will take you through diverse habitats, offering a unique opportunity to witness the beauty of nature while exploring one of Alabama's most picturesque trails. As we traverse the trail, we’ll keep an eye out for a variety of migrant bird species making their journey through the area during this time of year in addition to searching for resident breeding bird species. This walk will be co-led by Wild Alabama’s Outreach and Stewardship Coordinator, Jonathan Kelly, who will interpret the trail and its plants and wildlife. 

The diverse ecosystems along the Chief Ladiga Trail create a rich tapestry of avian life, offering participants a rewarding experience filled with opportunities to observe and appreciate Alabama's vibrant bird populations. Some migrants we may encounter include Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Swainson’s Thrushes, Yellow-throated Vireos, and Blackburnian Warblers. Residents that breed in the Talladega National Forest include Brown Thrashers, Eastern Towhees, and even Red Crossbills could be heard in this area of Alabama. Whether you are a seasoned birder or simply enjoy being immersed in nature, this hike promises to be a memorable and educational adventure for all who attend.


The leader for this trip is Andrew Lydeard / 703-606-8956. Please contact by phone on the day of the trip only. 


  • REMEMBER As always, remember to bring plenty of water and wear seasonally appropriate attire. Be sure to wear appropriate hiking/walking shoes, suitable for walking on established trails over sometimes uneven terrain. Bring rain gear if forecast indicates possible rain.

  • DETAILS Bring snacks, and plenty of water.

  • REQUIRED Participants must complete the mandatory online waiver when registering. Please do not request registration for others when submitting your request.

  • ACCESSIBILITY We will walk about 3 miles on mostly gravel or dirt terrain. There may be moderate changes in elevation and terrain that may not be suitable for all people. There are no restrooms at this location, so please plan accordingly. There is ample parking near the Ladiga Trail Cottage, which is next to the trailhead. Those that would like to hike further than three (3) miles can continue to the Pinhoti Trailhead before turning back to the parking area near the Chief Ladiga Cottage. This is about five (5) miles roundtrip with similar changes in elevation and terrain. 

  • CANCELLATION In the event of inclement weather, or if you need to cancel at the last minute, please text your trip leaders, as the main office will be closed.

Meeting Time and place

  • We will meet at the Chief Ladiga Creekside Cottage at promptly 8am. 

  • ADDRESS: 482 Co Rd 203, Piedmont, AL 36272


Through more than seventy-five years of conservation work in one of our nation’s most ecologically rich states, Alabama Audubon has seen firsthand how diversity strengthens natural communities. This same principle applies to human communities, which is why our organization is committed to providing equitable and inclusive opportunities for all Alabamians to learn about and enjoy wild birds, their habitats, and the natural world. One of the best ways to support that belief is by valuing and actively seeking to strengthen diversity among our staff, our board, and our membership. To that end, Alabama Audubon welcomes everyone to participate in our work, and strives to make our programs, classes, and events welcome, inclusive, and accessible to all.

Please continue joining Alabama Audubon as a member or donor to help us continue to offer accessible, educational programs and events across the state. Your generosity enables us to advance research, education, and advocacy efforts to protect birds in Alabama and beyond.