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  • HARRISON LAKE Maplesville, AL (map)




Join us as we travel to birding hotspot Harrison Lake in Maplesville, a small lake near Mulberry Creek in Chilton County, AL. The area around Maplesville features forested patches, creeks, agriculture, and native prairies but limited places of open water. As a result, Harrison Lake site serves as one of the only open waterbodies for miles, which attracts winter waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds difficult to find away from the coast and larger rivers. The area around the lake is unobstructed, so obtaining good views of the waterfowl, shorebirds, and waders here should be ideal for tallying a large list! Additionally, the grasslands and woodlands that surround the water can be great for finding a diverse array of songbirds.

We will start at the parking area and scan the lake thoroughly first before making our way around the property. All types of winter waterfowl are possible here, such as geese like Snow, Ross’s, and Greater White-fronted, as well as ducks like Redheads, Ring-necked Ducks, and Green-winged Teal. Sparrows are abundant in the wet ditches, including Swamp, Song, and Savannah Sparrows that can number in the hundreds, and Eastern Meadowlarks serenade birders reliably every morning in the nearby fields!

As we make a loop around the lake, waders such as Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets should be abundant, and the mudflats toward the north end of the lake likely have Greater Yellowlegs, Wilson’s Snipe, and Least Sandpipers. Bald Eagles, Merlins, and other raptors are also often attracted to the large amounts of waterfowl present, and we anticipate encountering winter songbirds like Hermit Thrushes, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, and both kinglet species in the woodlands that surround the area! 

WILSON’S SNIPE Gary Robinette / Audubon Photography Awards


The leaders for this trip are Paul Franklin / 205-542-7647 and Matt Hunter / 205-460-9546. Please contact by phone on the day of the trip only.


  • REMEMBER As always, remember to bring plenty of water and snacks, a full tank of gas, insect repellent, rain gear, sunblock, and seasonally appropriate attire. Though only a half-day trip, you may wish to pack a lunch or snacks. Sturdy shoes that can get muddy are encouraged.

  • DETAILS The trail around the lake will allow for a walk of up to an hour. We plan to finish about noon. There are limited restaurant options in the area. No additional fees are required to access the site. No restrooms are available. Please acknowledge the generosity of the landowner by respecting this valuable private property.

    The group may be split at certain times as needed to maximize the birding opportunities

  • ACCESSIBILITY This trip is not considered accessible. Maplesville could afford reasonable viewing from the unpaved but fairly level parking area. The grassy areas around the lake, however, are not passable for those with mobility issues, as they are thick with clumps of grasses, uneven, rocky, and may be wet and boggy.

  • CANCELLATION In the event of inclement weather, or if you need to cancel at the last minute, please text your trip leaders, as the main office will be closed.


Carpooling is strongly recommended, as the parking is limited at the pond (see the details section below).


McDonald’s at 8AM
205 South Colonial Drive
Alabaster, AL 35007
We will live promptly at 8am, so plan to arrive early.

Maplesville Senior Citizen’s Center at 9AM
9499 Alabama Highway 22
Maplesville, AL 36750
Former Old Southern Depot at the train tracks on Highway 22.


Through more than seventy-five years of conservation work in one of our nation’s most ecologically rich states, Alabama Audubon has seen firsthand how diversity strengthens natural communities. This same principle applies to human communities, which is why our organization is committed to providing equitable and inclusive opportunities for all Alabamians to learn about and enjoy wild birds, their habitats, and the natural world. One of the best ways to support that belief is by valuing and actively seeking to strengthen diversity among our staff, our board, and our membership. To that end, Alabama Audubon welcomes everyone to participate in our work, and strives to make our programs, classes, and events welcome, inclusive, and accessible to all.

Later Event: January 11