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 Field Trip: Avondale Park (Free!)

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Field Trip: Avondale Park (Free!)

  • Avondale Park 4101 5th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL (map)

Description: This free Saturday field trip will feature one of Birmingham's oldest city parks, Avondale Park, and if time permits, one of its newest, WC Patton Park located a short drive away. The water features at both parks (spring and pond at Avondale Park, pond at WC Patton Park) have attracted a variety of waterfowl and waders over the years, including uncommon species like Ross's Goose and Common Loon.

Given the timing of this trip in mid-March, almost anything is possible on the water. The wooded areas of Avondale Park host various woodpeckers, sparrows and finches this time of year - so we'll be sure to search for them. Patton Park has much more open areas, but the hackberry trees there may host winter warblers or perhaps a Brown Creeper.

Register soon! This free Field Trip is limited to 30 spots.

LOCATION DETAILS / In-person or Online: No admittance fee is required to visit either park and the trails at both parks are paved around the ponds. If we do any off-trail walking at Avondale Park, that will be on uneven terrain. Restrooms are available at both parks.


We'll meet at 8:00 a.m. at Avondale Park: 4101 5th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL.

Time and interest permitting, we'll make a short drive to Patton Park, located at the intersection of Tallapoosa Street at 1-20/59.

Accessibility: Trails at both parks are paved, but we may take a walk at Avondale Park to search for woodland species - which would entail walking on uneven terrain.

Trip Leaders: Greg Harber (205-807-8055) // Hans Paul (205-807-7357).

Please contact your trip leader the day of the event if you have questions. Hope to see you there!

Picture Owner & Rights: Greg Harber // Yellow-rumped Warbler

Earlier Event: March 14
Later Event: March 16
CUBA 2025 March 16th-23rd