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Alabama Audubon Presents: Dr. R. Scot Duncan Book Talk "Southern Rivers"

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Alabama Audubon Presents: Dr. R. Scot Duncan Book Talk "Southern Rivers"

  • O'Neal Public Library 50 Oak Street Birmingham, AL, 35213 United States (map)

Join Alabama Audubon's Executive Director, author and biologist, for an inspiring evening as we explore the rich natural heritage of Alabama's regional rivers. Dive deep into the unique ecosystems, wildlife, and conservation efforts that shape our state's waterways.

This book talk promises to be a captivating journey through Alabama's most treasured rivers, offering both a scientific and personal perspective that will leave you with a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with a leading voice in conservation and discover the stories behind the landscapes we cherish.

"Southern Rivers, by award-winning nature writer and biologist R. Scot Duncan, is a thoroughly crafted exploration of the perilous state of the Southeast's rivers and the urgent need to safeguard their vitality."

You can find out more about Dr. Scots book here!

When? October 3rd


O'Neal Public Library

Address: 50 Oak St, Mountain Brook, AL 35213