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Bird Friendly Building Design with Guest Speaker Christine Sheppard, PhD ($)

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Bird Friendly Building Design with Guest Speaker Christine Sheppard, PhD ($)

Tickets: $10 each or $75 for ten / This talk will be via Zoom.

In collaboration with the Alabama Center for Architecture, we are happy to have Christine Sheppard, PhD, talk about Bird Friendly Building Design! Dr. Sheppard is the Senior Director of the Glass Collisions Program at the American Bird Conservancy. With over 30 years of experience as a conservation biologist, including her time as Curator of Birds at the Bronx Zoo, she has dedicated her career to protecting endangered birds. Now, Dr. Sheppard focuses on creating bird-friendly policies, educating architects, and developing innovative solutions to reduce bird collisions with buildings.

All ticket sales benefit the ACFA’s community outreach program. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how architecture can protect our native wildlife!

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