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Coastal Field Trip: Fort Morgan (FREE)

  • Fort Morgan Parking Address 110 Alabama 180 Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 United States (map)

Description: Join Coastal Outreach Manager Cortney Weatherby for an evening walk through historic Fort Morgan, one of the most exciting birding hotspots located on the Alabama coast! This site is so diverse that it is split into 5 individual stops on the Coastal Alabama Birding Trail. We will meet at the newly renovated fishing pier and enter the fort property together to start our search in the wooded runway area and fields where edge habitat can hold warblers, vireos, woodpeckers, and buntings. From there, we will head towards the seawall and battery area, searching for open-country birds. We will then cut to the beach to look at shorebirds while heading towards the pier to scan for terns, gulls, and any remaining winter waterbirds. If time allows, we may cross over into the stables area as well. Never count out owls or an early nighthawk or Chuck-will's-widow as night falls!

We will have binoculars available for participants to borrow if needed and all birding levels and interests are welcome to join us!

*Please Note*:
Registration is required for this event. The event will only be canceled in the event of hazardous weather conditions. If you need to cancel last minute, please email or text your trip leaders.

Though early, this site is a classic migrant trip and possible species for this trip include:

Indigo Bunting
Yellow-throated, Hooded, Prothonotary, and Black-and-white warblers
Loggerhead Shrike
Blue-headed Vireo
Northern Harrier

Swallow-tailed Kite
Northern Gannet
Pectoral Sandpiper
Upland Sandpiper
Snowy Plover
Ruby-throated Hummingbird

LOCATION DETAILS / This is an in-person event: There is a $4/person group entrance fee to the fort. We are happy to support Fort Morgan State Historic Site, and other partners, through entrance fees that help support the care and maintenance for areas that hold critical habitat for Alabama birds.

Restrooms are located at the museum prior to the fort property closing at 5 pm. We will also make a stop for restrooms while we pass the battery before we head onto the beach.

TRAVEL INFORMATION: Meeting Place and Time: We will begin our walk and enter the fort promptly at 4pm due to the grounds closing at 5pm. This trip will go past 5pm, but we will be on the beach and stables area which is open to the public after that time for the remainder of the walk.

We will meet at the fishing pier parking lot near the fort entrance. Please plan on arriving no later than 4pm. If you would like to arrive early and enjoy the fort before the walk please pay your entrance fee and do so but be sure to move your vehicle to the pier parking area before the walk begins.

Parking Address: The fort address is
110 AL-180, Gulf Shores, AL 36542
The parking lot is located to the right, just before the payment booth.

Accessibility: We expect this trip to cover approx. 1.75 miles that will cover paved surfaces, open fields, maintained trails, and beaches. While the terrain is mostly flat, please be aware that tripping hazards may exist. Sturdy shoes are recommended. Please take time to check weather conditions and prepare accordingly for the potential for heat and biting insects. As always, remember to bring water, snacks, insect repellant, and sunscreen, and wear seasonally appropriate attire.

Please reach out to your leader before the event with any accessibility questions or concerns so we can try to accommodate accordingly.

TRIP LEADER: Cortney Weatherby // // (402) 297-1775

If you are unable to attend last minute please contact your trip leader and let them know.

Picture Owner & Credit: Tom Mullen, eBird

Earlier Event: March 14