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Bird Banding at Ruffner Mountain (Free)

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Bird Banding at Ruffner Mountain (Free)

  • Ruffner Mountain 1214 81st Street South Birmingham, AL, 35206 United States (map)

This event is free and open to the public. There is a $5 parking fee for people that are not members of Jefferson County Greenways.

Join us at the main entrance of Ruffner Mountain to see birds and bird banding up close! You’ll get an excellent look at some of the birds that overwinter and stopover at Ruffner, and learn about how and why we use banding as a tool to study these birds.

We will meet at the pavilion area near the main parking lot. This event will be cancelled in the event of rain but will be rescheduled for another day. Please check back on the website and our Facebook event for any changes.

This is a partnership event between Alabama Audubon and Jefferson County Greenways.

Please continue to support our conservation and outreach across the state by becoming a member or donating!

Read more about Ruffner Mountain here: