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Annual Membership Meeting

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Annual Membership Meeting

  • Homewood Public Library 1721 Oxmoor Road Homewood, AL, 35209 United States (map)

Dear Friends of the Feathered,

The honor of your presence is requested at the Annual Meeting of Alabama Audubon.  Please plan on flocking like cedar waxwings to the Homewood Library (Room 101) Monday, 20 May.  The event will begin at 6PM with a social half hour.  There will plenty of snacks (including berries) and an abundance of friendly faces to greet you.  Included amongst the latter will be members of the current Board of Directors as well as nominees for the 2024-2025 board.  Representatives of our talented, dedicated staff will also be in attendance.

The evening’s events will include a presentation highlighting the past year’s accomplishments, volunteer recognition, and a brief presentation by the Executive Director Scot Duncan headlining future Alabama Audubon efforts.   Attending members will then have the privilege to vote on the slate of incoming 2024-2025 board members.

In the event you are unable to attend in person, there will be a virtual option.  Members attending virtually will also be able vote for the proposed slate of incoming board members.

This event is free, but registration is required.  Members and non-members (especially not-yet members) are welcome but only members will be allowed to vote.

I hope that you can wing into this special evening of fellowship and friendship celebrating birds, birding, and Alabama Audubon.

Thank you,

Maggie Amsler, Alabama Audubon, Board President

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Earlier Event: May 18
Later Event: May 23