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Nature Journaling Workshop with Amy Sides

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Nature Journaling Workshop with Amy Sides

  • Shoal Creek Park Montevallo 2781 Highway 119 Montevallo, AL, 35115 United States (map)

Cost: $20.00

Capacity: 20

LOCATION DESCRIPTION / In-person: Join Alabama Audubon this fall for a special nature journaling workshop at Shoal Creek Park in Montevallo, led by special guest, Amy Sides! Nature journaling is a meditative, curiosity-sparking activity that promotes deliberate and careful observations about the natural world around you while combining art, science, and writing to connect people more deeply with nature. Additionally, spending time in green spaces has been shown to have positive effects on heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, as well as reducing stress and anxiety. Scientific evidence shows that active learning through nature journaling can change the brain and boost intelligence… at any age. Participants will join Amy and Program Coordinator Andrew Lydeard on a walk around the park to inspire nature writing and artwork from the birds, insects, and other wildlife we observe on our walk and then meet under the pavilion to work on our journals.

Amy Sides discovered the joy of nature journaling over eight years ago while homeschooling her kids. Since then, she has taught nature journaling to children of all ages, some of whom call themselves adults. Amy firmly believes nature journaling is something that most everyone can enjoy and benefit from doing, no matter their background or experience. When not teaching nature journaling, Amy spends her time going on adventures with her family and messing about in boats.

LOCATION DETAILS / In-person: Parking and entry is free at the park, and there are restrooms near the pavilion. Be sure to wear seasonally appropriate attire and bring water, snacks, bug spray, and sunscreen.
TRAVEL INFORMATION: We will meet in Shoal Creek Park in Montevallo promptly at 9:00am to begin the walk or 'Big Sit' portion of the event before meeting under the pavilion for the workshop.

2781 Hwy 119, Montevallo, AL 35115

TRIP LEADER Your trip leader for this event will be Andrew Lydeard // (703) 606-8956

ACCESSIBILITY We will walk about a mile on mostly flat but unpaved surfaces that may have obstacles such as roots or rocks that may not be suitable for all people. Those that are unable to comfortably walk the trails can do a 'Big Sit' near the pavilion to inspire their journal entries. After the walk/'Big Sit', participants will join Amy at the pavilion to discover and utilize the tools needed for a successful nature journal entry.

REQUIRED Participants must complete the mandatory online waiver when registering. Please do not request registration for others when submitting your request.

CANCELLATION The event will only be canceled in the event of hazardous conditions. If you need to cancel at the last minute, please email or text your trip leaders.

Please continue joining Alabama Audubon as a member or donor to help us continue to offer accessible, educational programs and events across the state. Your generosity enables us to advance research, education, and advocacy efforts to protect birds in Alabama and beyond.