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Domestic Trips: Eufaula NWR 2 Days

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Domestic Trips: Eufaula NWR 2 Days

  • Day 1 meeting spot -Gator Stop Gas Station 1955 North Eufaula Avenue Eufaula, AL, 36027 United States (map)

Cost: $250

Capacity: 12

LOCATION DESCRIPTION / In-person: Join Program Coordinator Andrew Lydeard for Alabama Audubon’s first-weekend field trip to one of Alabama’s premiere birding areas at Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge! Participants will spend the first day traveling as a group through the Kennedy Unit of the refuge in search of wintering waterfowl and sparrows before traveling to lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, we’ll drive parts of the Houston / Upland Unit until dusk.

The following day, Lake Point State Park naturalist, Dominic King, will lead us on a pontoon boat tour through the beautiful scenery of the Chattahoochee River for the morning. In the event the boat trip is canceled due to rain or unforeseen circumstances, we will travel to the Bradley Unit on the Georgia side to search for sparrows and the Walter F. George Lock and Dam for diving water birds. Please remember to check the email you registered with prior to the trip for any updates from your leader. This is a self-catered, self-driven two-day tour.

Eufaula NWR is a critically important refuge for waterfowl during the winter months, and our time spent here on both land and sea should garner most of the dabbling duck species, including Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeons, and Mallards. Diving ducks like Lesser and Greater Scaup, Redheads, and Ring-necked Ducks also frequent the larger portions of the lake and are all possible to see easily from the levees while resident Black-bellied Whistling- ducks can still be around in small numbers. Gulls like Bonaparte’s, Ring-billed, and Herring should be around, and the abundance of fish in the river tends to be great for hosting divers like Common Loons and Horned Grebes. The grassy levees also provide height to look down in the wetlands for birds such as King Rails and Sora that winter here as well as plenty of cover for sparrows such as Lincoln’s, Song, and Swamp. Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrows can be found wintering in the Houston Unit, and the woodlands provide a great habitat for our wintering woodland birds like Hermit Thrushes, both Kinglet species and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. Other birds such as Northern Waterthrushes, Black-and-White Warblers, and Yellow-throated Warblers can also winter here.

LOCATION DETAILS / In-person: This is a self-catered, self-driven two-day tour. Below are some options for dinner and lodging in the Eufaula Area after the first day.

Day 1

Meeting Time and Place #1 – 7:00am
Kennedy Unit (meet at Gator Gas)

Gator Stop Gas Station
1955 N Eufaula Ave
Eufaula, AL 36027

Coordinates: (31.96496, -85.11696)

Lunch – Friday, November 15 – 12:00pm

Sam’s Kitchen and Grill
1720 N Eufaula Ave,
Eufaula, AL 36027

Meeting Time and Place #2 – 1:00pm

Eufaula NWR – Houston Unit
536 AL-165
Eufaula, AL 36027

Local Dinner Options – 5:30pm

Sam’s Southern Eatery
325 S Eufaula Ave
Eufaula, AL 36027

Phil’s Barbeque
534 S Randolph Ave
Eufaula, AL 36027

El Jalisco Mexican Grill
128 E Broad St
Eufaula, AL 36027

Eufaula Sandwich Company
133 E Broad St
Eufaula, AL 36027

Hotels & Lodging Options (20 minutes or less away)

Hampton Inn Eufaula
29 Veterans Boulevard
Eufaula, AL 36027
(334) 687 - 0777

Comfort Suites
12 Paul Lee Pkwy
Eufaula, AL 36027
(334) 232 - 7240

Quality Inn & Suites
631 E Barbour St
Eufaula, AL 36027
(334) 370 - 0462

Day 2

Meeting Time and Place #3 – 8:00am

Lake Point State Park
104 Old Hwy 165
Eufaula, AL 36027

TRAVEL INFORMATION: Travel Internary for meeting times and places

Meeting Time and Place #1 – 7:00am
Kennedy Unit (meet at Gator Gas)

Gator Stop Gas Station
1955 N Eufaula Ave
Eufaula, AL 36027

Coordinates: (31.96496, -85.11696)

Lunch – Friday, November 15 – 12:00pm

Sam’s Kitchen and Grill
1720 N Eufaula Ave,
Eufaula, AL 36027

Meeting Time and Place #2 – 1:00pm

Eufaula NWR – Houston Unit
536 AL-165
Eufaula, AL 36027

Day 2

Meeting Time and Place #3 – 8:00am

Lake Point State Park
104 Old Hwy 165
Eufaula, AL 36027

TRIP LEADERS: Your trip leader for this event is Andrew Lydeard // Please reach out day of with questions of concerns.


PHONE: (703) 606-8956


Day 1:

We will be walking 3 – 4 miles in the morning while at the Kennedy Unit on mostly flat, gravel terrain. While the journey should be relatively easy, please be aware there may be roots, rocks, or other obstacles that create accessibility challenges for some people. The afternoon portion through the Houston Unit will be mostly done as a caravan with little walking and occasional stops to get out and search for birds.

Day 2:

We will be traveling on a pontoon boat with a guide from Lake Point State Park, and most people should be able to access the boat. Passengers will be provided with life jackets.

REQUIRED Participants must complete the mandatory online waiver when registering. Please do not request registration for others when submitting your request.

CANCELLATION The event will only be canceled in the event of hazardous conditions. If you need to cancel at the last minute, please email or text your trip leaders.

Please continue joining Alabama Audubon as a member or donor to help us continue to offer accessible, educational programs and events across the state. Your generosity enables us to advance research, education, and advocacy efforts to protect birds in Alabama and beyond.